Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Project: Steam, PC Gaming, and the Future of Consoles

Once, all life started out as single cell organisms, over the course of billions of years however, we have evolved and taken a drastically different shape then out original inception. In some ways, technology is no different. The first computer, was nothing more a calculator that could only add small digits, yet over centuries, technology has evolved and redefined our society. It has changed the we we view business, social interactions, entertainment, and so much more. What I propose, is an examination into how technology created a video game industry, and how over the generations it has evolved from a simple pass time for children, to a multi billion dollar behemoth. I would like to explore the very first generation of console gaming, to the modern day console war. and based of what the lead companies are doing, I would like to try to make a prediction of the future.

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